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Our Engagement Report examines the behaviors individuals bring to the job and the motivators that drive them. This streamlined report tells the high-level story of "how" and "why" an individual engages well in some circumstances and not so well in others.
The DISC Behavioral Continuum graph offers a new, more accurate picture that incorporates the strong effects that (previous) low DISC scores convey.
Everyone has a varying level of the four main behavioral factors that create their own, personal style. Each side of those factors lives on a continuum, and the combination influences individuals’ level of engagement in different situations.
Driving Forces illuminates what drives this individual’s behavior – the "why" behind their actions.
Knowledge of an individual’s driving forces help tell us why a person behaves a certain way. 12 Driving Forces™ measures the primary driving forces cluster – the top four of an individual’s driving forces – to tell a story of how a person derives meaning from life and work.
DISC tells you how this individual will perform.
Behavioral research suggests that the most effective people are those who understand themselves, both their strengths and weaknesses, so they can develop strategies to meet the demands of their environment. This report measures the four dimensions of normal behavior: dominance, influence, steadiness and compliance.
- Employee Engagement
- Employee Onboarding & Reboarding
- Team Dynamics and Communication
- Low Morale / Engagement
- Managing/Working with a Remote Team
- Stagnant Performance
- Team Complacency
- Tactical vs. Strategic Leadership
- High Turnover
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